If your child requires regular medication, please fill in a form available at the school office and supply it in a suitably labelled container, giving details. This will be kept in a locked cabinet in the Medical Room and given as required. We cannot supply children with any medication without parents consent.Newsletters / Notices
Every second Wednesday a newsletter will be published and emailed home and saved on our school webpage for your perusal. These newsletters contain information about recent and up coming events and day-to-day matters of school routine. Classroom letters and notices about visits will be sent home with children.Parents of junior class pupils in particular should check school bags for notes.
Parent Help
Parent help is very much appreciated at Netherby School. We encourage parents, grandparents and extended whānau to help and welcome any inquiries in this area.Suggestions where you can help are:
- classroom help - reading, maths, language work, P.M.P (perceptual motor programme) especially in the junior school.
- help with sports teams.
- school trips, supervision and transport
- be part of the Whānau Hui group
- be part of the Pasifika Consultation group
You will not be asked to do anything which you don't feel confident about. We are grateful for any help you can offer.
Playground Areas
The playground consists of an exciting adventure playground, a large playing field, netball and basketball courts and a shaded sandpit. Children are discouraged from being inside during fine weather. We have a well-stocked sports shed, which students have access to at lunchtimes. Parts of the school fields are designated as being out of bounds to enable duty teachers to do their supervision effectively. Students are informed of these out of bounds areas.Policies and Procedures
These are used as guidelines for parents, staff and the Board of Trustees. They are reviewed on a 3-year cycle and those which directly affect parents and children are circulated with the newsletter for your feedback. Copies of all polices and procedures are available at the school office and on our website under Board of Trustees tab and by following below.2. Click Search for your school.
3. Start typing the school’s name, Ashburton Netherby School, and select it from the dropdown list.
4. Enter your community username and password.
Community Username: netherby
Community Password: quality
If you are intending to enrol your child at Ashburton Netherby School, please let us know of your intention to enrol as early as possible as it helps with preparation towards your child's first day at school.Reporting to Parents
Mid-way in Term 1 and early in Term 3 three way conferences are held. These give you and your child the opportunity to meet your classroom teacher, discuss programmes planned for the year and to set goals for the first term, along with getting to know your child's teacher.Children are expected to attend, as goal setting is an important part of these conferences. A written report is issued at the end of Term 2 and 4 for Yr.4 - 6 children. Children in the Yr. 1 - 3 groups receive a report in the first 6 weeks, then 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 week point. The time in which they receive these reports coincides with their birthdate. 20, 60 and 100 week reports are Interim Reports, with 40, 80 and 120 week reports being either 1, 2 or a 3 Year Anniversary Report. At the end of each year your child's learning is put into a folder as a record of their learning for you to keep if you so choose.