Māori Community Bi Annual Face to Face Consult 16 November 2.30 – 3.30pm

Kia ora koutou

I write to you all on behalf of the Whānau Hui group to invite you to school for our annual consultation and connection with our valued Māori Community

Māori Community Bi Annual Face to Face Consult 

16 November 2.30 – 3.30pm

The agenda set

  • 2.30 Seated in hall (1 person per family due to L2 100 maximum in total restriction for schools)

  • Kapa Haka dress performance (8 - 10 minutes)

  • Karakia (Roz or Nicky)

  • Principal welcome (Phil Wheeler)

  • Integrated learning links to te reo and culture (Whānau)

  • Survey (Whānau)

  • Open forum (Socialise, connect while being mindful of L2 restrictions) 

  • Karakia (for food)

  • Shared kai (Pizza)

  • Free to leave

Important L2 Note:

Given we are still likely to be in Level 2 we ask that only one family member per family attend the hui to keep numbers to less than 100.  Please scan in at the hall, sit 1 seat apart and socially distance from one another and of course we encourage wearing a mask.  

Feel free to contact me as well if you wish to offer ideas and information.  We really look forward to your attendance.

Kind regards

Whānau Hui Group



3 Way Conferences - Book in now!

The 3 way conferences are scheduled for Tuesday 10 August from 1 - 7pm and Wednesday 11 August from 3.15 to 6pm.  School will close at 12.20 on Tuesday but be open as normal on Wednesday.

Please go to: www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and follow the prompts to book a 3 way conference time for your child.  The code is: fapfu

If you do not book in we will do it and send home the time in week 3 of term 3.

Remember the classes have changed to as below: 

Miss Patrick is Room 7

Mrs Mackenzie is Room 6

Miss Love is Room 5

Mrs Watson is Room 4

Miss Sloan Room 3

Mrs Oakley Room 2

Miss Stringer Room 1




Farewell Assembly Friday 16 April between 2 and 2.30pm in our School Hall.

On Friday 16th April between 2 and 2.30 in our school hall we will be holding our farewell assembly for three staff members. Our pilot project with our two bilingual support workers comes to an end meaning at this point we farewell both Molly and Sepi. Unfortunately, we will also be losing Tania Hooper back to the ECE sector. All community members are encouraged to attend to pay their respects to these wonderful departing staff.


Canterbury RAMs

 12 lucky children enjoyed spending time with Ashley, a Canterbury RAMs basketball coach, and one of the players Mason, who stands 6 foot 9 tall and wears size 17 shoes! The session taught the children good basketball drills, team work and how to set meaningful goals for self improvement. A great moment here at Netherby School. Look out for the moment to be covered in The Courier this coming Thursday. Thank you Canterbury RAMs.


Yr.6 Leaders

 Congratulations to our 2021 Netherby School Year 6 Leaders! We are proud to announce that Alexciah, Esther, Daria, Hannah, Ryleigh, Anya, Isabella, Tamati, Tyson and Fatimaah will be our Year 6 School Leaders this year.


PALS Leaders

 Congratulations future PALs Leaders! The children pictured below have been selected to undertake PALs (Physical Activity Leadership) training tomorrow at the EA Network Centre with other Mid Canterbury schools.

Those selected will need to wear running shoes and their uniform tomorrow (Tuesday), and will need to bring their morning tea and a water bottle if possible. They will travel in private cars and be supervised by Miss Stringer and Jan at the venue.


Latest Newsletter

 Please see the attached Netherby School Newsletter for Week 6 of Term 1 2021.

Wk 06 Term 1 2021.pdf

Tip For Parents

Give your child every opportunity to read to you daily. Ten minutes of reading five times a week = 50 minutes of reading time a week.

If you did this for a minimum of 35 weeks a year we have your child engaging in text for 29 hours extra every year! That 29 hours helps your child read better because they do more miles, are exposed to many words, and importantly are exposed to many ideas through the text.

It is a win - win for all concerned!

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