Education tick for Netherby School


Athletics Day

A big thank you to all of the parents and the Home and School team who supported the Athletics Cluster of Tinwald, Chertsey, Fairton and Netherby School on Tuesday. The day was a resounding success thanks to the hard work of Miss Sloan, Mrs Oakley and Miss Taylor and everyone else who fulfilled their role with accuracy. The feedback from various parents was feedback of praise for our school and the way in which the Netherby children conducted themselves.   Great results too for many of our children. We look forward to hosting this wonderful event again in 2018.

Illness at School

Good afternoon. Almost 25% of our school children are away today ill. Please be aware there are an awful lot of stomach bugs and colds/coughs like illness at school currently. Many children have been sick in class or in the sickbay. If your child has been sent home in the last 24 hours I ask you to please keep them home until Monday, as the bugs appear extremely contagious. The symptoms include a fever, nausea and then vomiting. We appreciate your cooperation on this matter. Regards - Principal on behalf of the School Community.

Whanau Hui Consult Tuesday 5 September at 2.45pm

Morena. For all of our whanau we have our annual hui as detailed below. Look forward to seeing you all.

Whanau Hui Agenda ‘Tuesday 5 September at 2.45pm in Hall.’

‘We wish for all whanau to attend this important hui.’

• 2.45pm Kapa Haka performance on hall stage.
• Karakia – copies available
• Welcome note
• Principal to talk to whanau hui action plan and what it means for our school
• Valued outcomes – for Yr.6 children graduates (work area set up)
• Integrated topic – for te reo and tikanga links (work area set up)
• Parent review (work area set up)
• Data show mid- year data for children who identify as Māori.
• Target Reading. Teacher/Whanau partnership.
• 4.00 (approximately) - Shared fish and chips for all – school funded
• 4.30 (approximately) closing karakia

Speed Sprints Barbecue Support

Morena all. As you know our Home and School cook the barbecue food for the Ashburton Speed Sprints on May 13 and 14. There are two hour time slots in which we need people to volunteer and cook and serve food under the supervision of Dean Smith. This money pays for so much to keep costs down for your children. Please help. The roster is in the office at school. See me, Mrs Hunt or Larissa Sluys. You get to watch the sprints for free too. Thanking you in advance. Phil Wheeler

Hot cross bun order and money

On behalf of the Home and School please get your hot cross buns money and orders in please asap. Kind regards - Home and School.

Health and Safety Policy Review

Kia ora koutou. I hope this message finds everyone well.

It is that time where we are reviewing our Health and Safety Policies and Procedures.  Under Board on our website you will see the Draft Review of Health and Safety, and above that you will see the Health and Safety Policy prior to the initial review undertaken by myself and Board representative Nathan Bartlett.

We  as a school and Board invite our community to take the time to read the draft review and make comment as appropriate to further improve this Policy. There is also an attached Policy Self Review Report for you to document ideas. Please return this to me prior to May 2017 if you believe we need to make changes.

Thank you for your time.

Phil Wheeler

Maths Information Afternoon

On Wednesday 15 March, week 7 of term as usual, we are having our special community invite into our school. The focus of this invite will be for both children and teachers to share what they do in a typical maths lesson. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about your child's math programme, the activities they participate in and how you can help at home too. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our Maths Information Afternoon.

Whanau Hui Breakfast Club

A congratulations to the Whanau Hui Team who have expertly and successfully organised a breakfast club for Netherby School. What a welcomed addition to our wonderful school.  The breakfast club runs every Monday and Tuesday morning from about 8 am until 8.40ish. All children welcome.

3 way conferences

Just a reminder that we have our 3 way conferences on Tuesday 7 March from 1 pm with children needing picked up at 12.30pm from the playground. On the Wednesday 8 March the conferences run from 3.15 pm, so the school day is just as normal.  All times for your 3 way conferences will be sent home today with your child, unless you already booked on line, in which case you will have your time already.

See you all here.


Powhiri Friday 10 February from 2.15 in our school hall

Our welcome Powhiri is on today 'Friday 10 February from 2.15' in our school hall. All new community members most welcome and encouraged to attend.

Welcome Back

Kia ora koutou.

I trust this notes finds you all rested and well for 2017.

We are open for enrolments from today. There is almost always someone about so if you know of someone intending on coming to Netherby School please let them know we are open for school enrolments now.

School officially opens for all children on Tuesday 31 January. We will start with a small assembly to welcome everyone back.

Our school Charter, Strategic and Annual Plan are drafted and available to read under BOT on this site. Please give comment on the Comment Sheet and forward to me or come in and discuss the idea or suggestion in person. We value your input.  These documents with any new input will be taken to the Board meeting to ratify in time to submit these documents to the Ministry of Education on March 1 2017.

Look forward to seeing you all.

Regards Phil Wheeler, Principal

Tip For Parents

Give your child every opportunity to read to you daily. Ten minutes of reading five times a week = 50 minutes of reading time a week.

If you did this for a minimum of 35 weeks a year we have your child engaging in text for 29 hours extra every year! That 29 hours helps your child read better because they do more miles, are exposed to many words, and importantly are exposed to many ideas through the text.

It is a win - win for all concerned!

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