Whānau Hui Tuesday 18 June, 3.15 in School Staffroom

Good morning. We have our Whānau Hui on Tuesday 18 June at 3.15pm in our staffroom. All members of our community who identify as Māori are encouraged and more than welcome to attend. The agenda at this point is looking at the Mahi with our face to face consult scheduled for this year as well discussing the need for more kapa haka uniforms. Looking forward to seeing you all.

3 Way Conference Tuesday 30 July and Wednesday 31 July

3 Way Conferences are open already for the Tuesday 30 of July and Wednesday 31 July 2019. Link is www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and enter the event code b9fmd then follow the prompts. We do appreciate you booking your own 3 way conference as it takes a lot of time for us to do this, but more importantly, you get to choose a time that suits you. As normal school will close at 12.30 on the Tuesday and operate as normal on the Wednesday. We look forward to seeing you here. If you need help booking please see Mrs Duffell in the office, she can book you in.

* Also note, some children are moving classes as usual at this time of the year. A notice will come home today if your child is moving. If they are book them in with the new class teacher.

*And children in Room5 need to be booked under Nicky Mackenzie in Room 5.

Kind regards

NAG 4 Finance and Property Review

Kai ora.  Every 3 years we review our policy and procedures.  This year we are reviewing Finance and Property.  It is available for you to read under BOT, NAG 4 - Finance and Property. There is also a comment sheet for you to use if you wish to suggest changes or amendments.  The consultation period will be from 10 - June until the 24 June 2019. Kind regards

Ashburton Netherby School Enrolment Zone

Ashburton Netherby School is in the process of putting in an enrolment zone in support with the Ministry of Education.  The zone details can be viewed at http://www.netherbyschool.co.nz/ in figure 1 and 2 and under description through the BOT tab on the home page. Any correspondence to be addressed to the Board before the 26 July.


Tip For Parents

Give your child every opportunity to read to you daily. Ten minutes of reading five times a week = 50 minutes of reading time a week.

If you did this for a minimum of 35 weeks a year we have your child engaging in text for 29 hours extra every year! That 29 hours helps your child read better because they do more miles, are exposed to many words, and importantly are exposed to many ideas through the text.

It is a win - win for all concerned!

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